Facebook Travel Fair

Facebook had an outstanding travel fair today; everyone was very engaged and it was one of the best events I’ve ever attended! Afterwards I had to get the obligatory photo and check-in for my FB page.  🙂

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Super Blood moon 9.27.2015

(This picture was taken using a Meade telescope and putting my Galaxy S6 Edge camera phone up to the lens) Was able to catch the blood moon at full eclipse.  Since this won’t be happening again for another 18 years I thought it was definitely post worthy.  Since the moon was in shadow there wasn’t… Continue reading Super Blood moon 9.27.2015

Shoden-in Temple 聖天院

http://goo.gl/maps/QMdSh Visited the Shōden-in Temple today. This is the only temple I’ve ever visited in Japan that is Korean. I learned that it was erected in the 1300s by Korean refugees fleeing war (complete destruction of a kingdom) on the peninsula. For those that know their history the Japanese / Korean relationship is ancient and… Continue reading Shoden-in Temple 聖天院

Categorized as Japan


Event: Technologies that Influence Corporate Travelers – Link

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Visit to Twitter today

In the lobby of Twitter HQ they have a computer set up where you can take your picture (with props) and tweet your visit.  It will then show up on twitter.com/twisitor.